Jan 14, 2020

Major Cyber Attacks in 2019 and what is Ahead for 2020?

According to the Cybersecurity Ventures report, cyber crimes are going to cause damages worth $6 trillion to the global economy by 2021. Our own Rakesh Kharwal summarizes for CIOL the key cyber attacks India had witnessed in 2019 and provides insight into the attack-vector trends we can expect in 2020.

Jan 9, 2020

Experiential learning – the key to forgetting about the Forgetting Curve

Cyberbit’s CEO, Adi Dar shares with SC Magazine’s readers his view on why experiential learning techniques such as simulated cyber attacks have become the norm for end-user awareness training and why companies should adopt them in their SOCs.

Dec 29, 2019

India can bridge global void by developing cybersecurity force using youth

Cyberbit’s Managing Director for India/South Asia and ASEAN, Rakesh Kharwal explains why India is in a clear need of enhanced cybersecurity infrastructure and a better class of cybersecurity professionals in order to be prepared for the 2020 global cyber threats.

Dec 28, 2019

Year-end Experience with the future prediction from Leaders

Rakesh Kharwal, Managing Director of India/South Asia & ASEAN at Cyberbit summarizes the key cybersecurity trends of the past year and presents his 2020 predictions and recommendations for dealing with the emerging challenges.

Dec 4, 2019

Cyberbit Joins New NACRA  Alliance 

North American Cyber Range Alliance (NACRA) participants commit to standards-based approach to ethical operation and trusted collaboration between cyber ranges

Nov 28, 2019

Decoding The Tech Banks Require Today To Combat Cyberattacks

Sensitive data and financial incentive are the two primary targets of any cyberattacker.  The banking sector simply is comparatively an easy target. But why is it so?

Nov 19, 2019

Cyberbit Aligns Cyber Range Training Scenarios with NICE Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Detailed mapping enables SOC teams and hiring managers to use Cyberbit Range to connect NICE terminology and descriptions to real world situations

Oct 29, 2019

Cyber defense is a team sport — Train accordingly

Few SOC teams are trained to work as a cohesive team. Cyberbit CEO Adi Dar shares the solution wit SC Magazine.

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