Jul 31, 2018

Microsoft Component Object Model vulnerability allows for Windows hijacking

Cyberbit have uncovered a new way that hackers can hijack Windows installations using a vulnerability in Microsoft Corp.’s Component Object Model.

Jul 31, 2018

Hundreds of Registry Keys Exposed to Microsoft COM Hijacking

Cyberbit’s experts believe there could be thousands more in the wild

Jul 31, 2018

Registry Keys Vulnerable with COM Hijacking

Attackers are leveraging a new technique that allows them to run a specious file that looks legitimate but is actually malicious, according to the research team at Cyberbit

Jul 31, 2018

Podcast: Why Bitcoin Miners Target Critical Infrastructure Networks

Ronen Rabinovich from Cyberbit explains why malicious bitcoin mining malware is increasing on industrial control systems.

Jul 31, 2018

Microsoft Component Object Model Flaw Gives Hackers Easy Access to Windows

Discovered by Cyberbit’s security researchers, a vulnerability in Component Object Model (COM) allows attackers to place malicious files onto the Windows platform.

Jul 23, 2018

Rakesh Viswanathan, Regional Director for India & SAARC at Cyberbit, Interveiwed by CISO MAG

In an exclusive interview with CISO MAG, Rakesh talks about IoT security, patch management, ways to build an information security team, and much more.


Jul 23, 2018

Cyberbit Recognized on 2018 CRN Emerging Vendors List

This list recognizes recently founded, up-and-coming technology suppliers who are shaping the future of the IT channel through unique technological innovations

Jun 29, 2018

[German] Cyber ​​Security in Practice: First Joint Training of Cyberbit with Finanz Informatik

Cybersecurity teams from both Cyberbit and Finanz Informatik collaborated for advanced Simulation and Training

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