Kaspersky’s discovery of “Operation Triangulation”, a complex cyber-attack leveraging multiple iOS vulnerabilities, has rocked the cybersecurity landscape. This unit delves into Operation Triangulation’s attack chain, […]
APT35 (also known as Charming Kitten, Phosphorus, Newscaster, and more) is an Iranian state-sponsored cyber-espionage group that primarily targets governmental organizations, defense contractors, research institutions, […]
In March 2023, Microsoft published a critical update notifying users of a vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook. This vulnerability (CVE-2023-23397) is exploitable by attackers on Windows-based […]
Only recently discovered, “Beep” malware is already making headlines in the world of cybersecurity. Designed to fly under the radar of security software with a […]
AWS Lambda, one of AWS’ 200 outstanding services, is an event-driven, serverless computing platform that allows you to run code for applications and backend services […]
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is a popular and crucial security concept used by organizations worldwide. However, it is not invulnerable. A good example of threats to […]
And the next stop is – root privileges! Microsoft has recently discovered several vulnerabilities, collectively referred to as Nimbuspwn. This lethal combination could allow an […]
Microsoft’s recently discovered vulnerabilities, collectively referred to as ‘Nimbuspwn’, could allow attackers to elevate privileges to root level privileges (the highest level privileges e.g., administrator) […]